Friday, May 24, 2013

Not Even Lust

Not even lust
Could waste hold
Tend or borrow not
Even trust desire could
Finger lip the begin half
Jobs that spilled and split
Your marrow cut in two
Your only joint in
Several willing ways
When you woke unburied
Nearly every sensible
Trip-wire tendon
Tremor held you
When you took down
Those cleared out
Wants not even
What held your
Truly heart valves
Open could pull
You out of your
Tended ways of seeming
Haven’t you had
Enough preventing
Beds not even semi
Detached encounters
With your emulated
Vision have not the found
Blue dignitaries forged
Enough confusion
To be burned
A lozenge in your
Skull not even leg
Drives between your
Thighs could uncover
What you were
Thinking not even
Your one light became
Two could string
Us back together
Could burn
Us into one.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Here Are

Here are temporal things
Which shudder their
Weight ball prick resounding
Shift blame dissolve
Harrow from a harbinger milk
Sky here are things which
Burst forth and deny they
Were here tomorrow
Changeling never works that
Went away skin that shirks
Derides the day cleft
Against the welter borrow
Bossed by clock hammers
Harrowing waves pitched up
Bearing lost here are rings
Or semblance of summer
Things tired and went away
We tried our best we fought
Against the locks and rushing
Onslaught seconds mourning
Dawns that slipped away
We grasped their shin splinted
Efforts their arms raised
High imploring hand beaten
Against the day and rushing
Months gone by here are
Temporary things which
Left us by the by temperamental
Things which lever old wounds
Patch the blusters cuts and
Bruises vanquish empty
Picture frames only
Carried in the eye.