Sunday, May 6, 2018


Blessed night through
Which we all must
Pass cannot now
Fail to press upon
Brow or bother seas
Or mirrored thought
Against the man who
Once stood here
Complacent in the
Sheer absolvent shining
Blackness absent of all
Color and containing
All through
The blessed peril
Notwithstanding blank
And sterile blankness rode
All night eternal careful God
Yellow endowed with firelight
Lit beyond the sheath of rippling
Running seventy shades of their
Country houses sent lions amongst
Them bearing down the ropes whole
Heavenly long in darkness supple
Serenity liquid settle soft and
Singing blackness holds it all
Inside until the moment
Venerable and pure
Over whelms him
And the silver gleaming
Spark of glory burnished
Creation inside him bursting
Into daylight once again.