Sunday, March 22, 2015


Half known sins through
Other lives together since
Whenever they touched
On devouring somebody
Tides of the eyes
Of those who
Deposited turned
Into lives
Portraitures of those
Lonesome stepwives
Books face out on the
Shelves and runway chemical
Voices and faces say
Come to the cone tomb
Honeycomb caves the home
Of the fantastical murderous
Sledge slain orbs then hear
Thou from heaven thine
Dwelling place together
Once more one more
Time together entwined
Shall not cause the
Waters to rise
Into lives

Monday, March 2, 2015

Ghost Margin

In the margin of things
The ghost of his soul
Spirit hardly exists hangs
Around not wanting to leave
These serial hard to
Lose attachments in
The myriad wings mobility
Sings raven hadn’t spread
Nor having seen neither
Joy impression hadn’t
Returned neither grappling
Incessant for we are but
Of yesterday dipped into
Flesh and striven bone our
Days upon earth are
A shadow reserved
And tantrum mantram
Hadn’t seen nor withdrawn
Them villainous sensations
Of today’s tomorrow
Voyage ghost margin deacon
Trenched through the thin
Attachment harbinger of
Things fastened laughed
Nor jostled hadn’t let go of
Holding on to things he
Comes back again to
Haunt them.